Results for 'Paula Regina Lima Marreiros'

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  1.  13
    Colonialismo: recorrências e dispersões no discurso do audiovisual amazônico.Regina Lucia Alves De Lima & Dilermando Gadelha - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (22).
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    (1 other version)Self-Perception of Changes in Routines in Adults and Older Adults Associated to Social Distancing Due to COVID-19—A Study in São Paulo, Brazil.Adriana Machado-Lima, Angélica Castilho Alonso, Débora Gozzo, Gisele Garcia Zanca, Guilherme Carlos Brech, José Maria Montiel, Marta Ferreira Bastos, Priscila Larcher Longo & Sandra Regina Mota-Ortiz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness with higher mortality in older adults. This condition is spread person-to-person through close contact, and among policies employed to decrease transmission are the improvement of hygiene habits and physical distancing. Although social distancing has been recognized as the best way to prevent the transmission, there are concerns that it may promote increased depression symptoms risk and anxiety, mainly in older adults. This cross-sectional study aimed to verify self-concept of social distancing in adults compared to (...)
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  3. Formação inicial de professores para a educação básica no brasil.Helena Machado de Paula Albuquerque, Celia Maria Haas & Regina Magna Bonifácio Araujo - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 251.
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    Redes sociais como ferramentas de transparência em tempos de covid-19.Paulo Ricardo Silva Lima, Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota, Ana Paula Orico Marques Cassé & Tarlane Gomes Tenório Sales - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):88-107.
    No período pandêmico ocasionado pelo Novo Coronavírus, surgiram muitas Fake News nas redes sociais digitais, gerando desinformação e prejudicando a Administração Pública na contenção de novos casos. Demonstra-se por meio da análise da publicização dos boletins epidemiológicos da Covid-19, disseminados nas redes sociais do Governo do Estado de Alagoas, a importância da transparência nas informações de interesse público. Essas redes, principais meios de comunicação e informação da sociedade, têm alto poder de disseminação informacional, cujo potencial “viral”, proporcionado pela instantaneidade e (...)
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    Brüseke, Franz Josef. A técnica E os Riscos da modernidade. Florianópolis: Ufsc, 2001. 216 P.Ana Paula de Araújo Lima - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (6):95-100.
    O livro “A Técnica e os Riscos da Modernidade” apresenta-se subdividido em cinco capítulos, no primeiro tem-se o título “Liberdade e risco”, onde o autor disserta acerca do desejo e da necessidade humana de transcender as situações cotidianas, isso desde seus primórdios. Nele o autor mostra o quanto a necessidade de ir além das condições imediatas de existência está indissoluvelmente associada ao seu anseio por liberdade. Sendo esta identificada com uma liberdade política, visto que o homem, por sua natureza social, (...)
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    BRUSEKE, F. J. A TÉCNICA E OS RISCOS DA MODERNIDADE. Florianópolis, UFSC, 2001.Ana Paula Araújo Lima - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (6):95-100.
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    Conceptual framework for the ethical climate in health professionals.Graziele de Lima Dalmolin, Taís Carpes Lanes, Camila Milene Soares Bernardi & Flávia Regina Souza Ramos - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1174-1185.
    The ethical climate is the perception of health professionals about the work environment, meaning the reflection on care practices and ethical-related decisions. There are extensive studies in the international literature about the ethical climate, but there are still theoretical gaps about it in health services. In this reflection article, the objective was to explore conceptual components about the ethical climate, proposing new elements of analysis of the construct. The starting point was the accumulated knowledge itself, the possibilities for expansion, and (...)
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    Interventions for the promotion of the ethical environment among health professionals: Scoping review.Taís Carpes Lanes, Graziele de Lima Dalmolin, Camila Antunez Villagran, Sabrina Azevedo Wagner Benetti & Flávia Regina Souza Ramos - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Education is a tool for the promotion of ethical skills that ensure the principles of conduct and the quality of care provided. The literature is still incipient in this theme; however, some studies point to education and ethical consultations as strategies to promote an ethical environment. Objective To map the interventions that aim to prospect the ethical environment in health services. Method Scoping review to answer the question “What interventions are being used by health professionals to prospect an ethical (...)
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  9.  23
    Path of fear: Experiences of health professionals in the fight against COVID‐19.Flávia Regina S. Ramos, Denise Maria Guerreiro V. da Silva, Kássia Janara V. Lima, Wagner Ferreira Monteiro, Jaqueline de A. G. Sachett, Wuelton Monteiro, Darlisom Sousa Ferreira, Lucas Lorran C. de Andrade & Igor Castro Tavares - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12578.
    This study aimed to understand the expressions of fear in the journeys of health professionals who worked in the confrontation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), in the city of Manaus, in the Brazilian Western Amazon. This is an exploratory qualitative study that adopts interpretive description as a method to generate informed knowledge responsive to the needs of the practice. We included 56 participants, comprising 23 health managers and 33 health workers (middle and higher level) of different professional categories. The results (...)
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  10.  51
    Gênero e escolaridade: estudo através do miniexame do estado mental (MEEM) em idosos.Irani I. De Lima Argimon, Regina Maria Fernandes Lopes, Lauren Bulcão Terroso, Marianne Farina, Guilherme Wendt & Cristiane Silva Esteves - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:153-161.
    O envelhecimento populacional é uma preocupação mundial e exige medidas de prevenção de saúde a serem adotadas com a maior brevidade possível. Esse processo é, muitas vezes, acompanhado pelo declínio das habilidades cognitivas, como a memória e as funções executivas. O objetivo do presente estudo é ..
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  11.  38
    Understanding nursing: the usefulness of a philosophical perspective.Semiramis M. M. Rocha & Regina A. G. Lima - 2000 - Nursing Philosophy 1 (1):50-56.
    The work of nursing involves both treatment orientated action and care orientated action, but there exists a ‘treatment–care’ dichotomy that is structured by social factors and views of knowledge that privilege scientific, instrumental rationality. It is a claim of this paper that there is a need to establish connections between ‘treatment’ and ‘care’. The study of work processes in the healthcare field make it possible for nursing to recognize the technical and social separation of work, the separation between manual and (...)
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  12. Trabalho E educação na perspectiva ontológica: Algumas reflexões acerca da (re)produção ampliada do capital E a crise da escola.Tânia Regina Braga Torreão Sá, Marcelo Torreão Sá & Viviane Meira Lima - 2013 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 3 (5):11-21.
    A questão que se coloca nesse texto é refletir sobre as contribuições que Marx formula para pensar a respeito da educação, a escola e a luta trabalhadora. Nosso intuito é, pois, a partir do “beber da fonte” da filosofia de práxis, pensar em que medida, o projeto de emancipação social, tal como propôs Marx, se realiza numa escola em crise, aonde muita coisa, aliás, muda na aparência para manter a essência íntegra. Nossas reflexões se voltam para compreender também, como por (...)
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  13.  21
    Saúde mental de escolares e a convivência com a depressão materna recorrente e grave com e sem comorbidade com transtorno de personalidade borderline.Daniel Fernando Magrini, Danubia Cristina de Paula, Fernanda Aguiar Pizeta & Sonia Regina Loureiro - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:273-284.
    O impacto para a saúde mental dos filhos da gravidade da depressão materna (DM), em comorbidade com outros transtornos, carece de estudos. Objetivou-se comparar indicadores de saúde mental de escolares, considerando grupos diferenciados pela gravidade da DM com e sem comorbidade com Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline (TPB). Foram avaliadas 90 díades mães-crianças, distribuídas em três grupos, sistematicamente avaliados: Grupo Depressão (GD) - mães com indicadores de sintomas atuais de depressão e histórico de episódios anteriores, sem indicadores de TPB, Grupo Depressão (...)
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    Caracterização do processamento auditivo das crianças com distúrbio de leitura e escrita de 8 a 12 anos em tratamento no Centro Clínico de Fonoaudiologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. [REVIEW]Karen Maria de Paula & Sheilla da Silva Lima - 2011 - Discurso 3:8.
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    Stressors in Indoor and Field Brazilian Soccer: Are They Perceived as a Distress or Eustress?Maria Regina Ferreira Brandão, Luis Felipe Polito, Vania Hernandes, Mariana Correa, Ana Paula Mastrocola, Daniel Oliveira, Alessandra Oliveira, Larissa Moura, Marcelo Villas Boas Junior & Daniela Angelo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Soccer players inescapably live under stress during the sportive career, and many real-life aspects of soccer situations operate in the ongoing performance. This study’s main objective was to elaborate the List of Stressors in Professional Indoor and Field Soccer, a self-report instrument designed to measure the impact of 77 soccer situations upon the sport performance. Participants were 138 indoor and field soccer players from the Brazilian Premier League. Each situation was evaluated on a 7-point scale, ranging from the most negative (...)
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    A comida em comunidades quilombolas: reflexões sobre saberes e mercados solidários.Rafaela Paula Silva & Silvia Regina Baptista - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):68.
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    O irracionalismo na teoria do conhecimento de Schopenhauer e na epistemologia de Paul Feyerabend.Antunes Ferreira da Silva & Thalyta De Paula Pereira Lima - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (1):207.
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    Moral distress and moral resilience of nurse managers.Michel Maximiano Faraco, Francine Lima Gelbcke, Laura Cavalcanti de Farias Brehmer, Flávia Regina Souza Ramos, Dulcinéia Ghizoni Schneider & Luciana Ramos Silveira - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1253-1265.
    Background Moral distress is a phenomenon that can lead to an imbalance of the mind and body. There are many coping strategies to overcome the obstacles that lead the subject to this condition. Some coping strategies are capable of being achieved through the cultivation of moral resilience. Aim The aim is to identify the strategies of moral resilience in the nursing management of University Hospitals in Brazil. Research design The research design is the qualitative study with discursive textual analysis. Participants (...)
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  19.  28
    Moral distress in undergraduate nursing students.Simoní Saraiva Bordignon, Valéria Lerch Lunardi, Edison Luiz Devos Barlem, Graziele de Lima Dalmolin, Rosemary Silva da Silveira, Flávia Regina Souza Ramos & Jamila Geri Tomaschewski Barlem - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2325-2339.
    Background: Moral distress is considered to be the negative feelings that arise when one knows the morally correct response to a situation but cannot act because of institutional or hierarchal constraints. Objectives: To analyze moral distress and its relation with sociodemographic and academic variables in undergraduate students from different universities in Brazil. Method: Quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Data were collected through the Moral Distress Scale for Nursing Students, with 499 nursing students from three universities in the extreme south (...)
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  20.  29
    (1 other version)Festa e devoção em Cruzeiro dos Peixotos, Uberlândia, MG (Party and devotion in Cruzeiro dos Peixotos, Uberlândia, MG)-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2011 v9n20p41. [REVIEW]Mara Regina do Nascimento & Durval Saturnino Cardoso de Paula - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (20):41-63.
  21.  15
    Are There Multiple Motivators for Helping Behavior in Rats?Phietica R. R. Silva, Regina H. Silva, Ramón Hypolito Lima, Ywlliane S. Meurer, Bruno Ceppi & Maria Emilia Yamamoto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Fatores socioeconômicos e saúde de crianças em contexto de violência.Erick Verner de Oliveira Aquino, Bruna Dayane Gomes Ataíde, Isabela Araújo de Oliveira, Bruna Martinez Yano Lima, Hellen Caroline Pereira Machado & Margareth Regina Gomes Veríssimo de Faria - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    Esse estudo objetivou analisar a violência infantil no contexto brasileiro, correlacionando-a com fatores socioeconômicos, socioculturais, geracionais e de gênero, investigando o impacto dos mesmos na saúde das crianças. Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, realizado a partir de dados de artigos científicos e documentos oficiais sobre e violência infantil, além do banco de dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) e da plataforma SciELO e Google Acadêmico. Encontrou-se uma maior prevalência de violência física e negligência, maior índice de (...)
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    Diferenciações e indiferenciações nas formações identitárias: ambigüidades discursivas nos estudos contemporâneos; Discoursive ambiguity of identity formations: towards a critical view.Marco Aurélio M. Prado & Telma Regina de Paula Souza - 2001 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 13:97-109.
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    (1 other version)Educação e diversidade cultural: culturas indígenas e africanas na sala de aula.Márcia Solange Volkmer, Ana Paula Castoldi, Élin Regina Westenhofen, Jéssica Riedi, Júlia Leite Gregory & Marina Johann - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):52.
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    Reflexões Acerca da Atenção À Saúde Mental de Mães-Universitárias Após Isolamento Social No Contexto da Covid-19.Kamilly Souza do Vale, Natasha Cabral Ferraz de Lima, Lerlen Michaelle Silva dos Santos, Maria Vitória Rocha de Jesus & Paula Fabiana de Oliveira Palheta - 2024 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 8 (2).
    Contextualizar os processos oriundos de um período pandêmico é reconhecer que, para a nossa sociedade, o que vivemos com a pandemia da Covid-19 foi, de fato, inédito e histórico. Além de apresentar um cenário de acúmulo de emoções, mudança de rotina e sentimentos de medo e angústias, uma nova forma de interação social e trabalho precisou ser vivenciada. Assim, verificamos a importância de levantar reflexões acerca da maternidade vivenciada no contexto de isolamento social pelas mulheres que são mães discentes e (...)
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    Percepção da Imagem Corporal e Comportamento Alimentar: Estudo Com Acadêmicos de Centro Universitário.Mateus Barros de Carvalho, Paula Maria da Silva, Luiza Marly Freitas de Carvalho, Antonio Marcos Vaz de Lima & Keila Cristiane Batista Bezerra Lopes - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):29-50.
    The concept of corporal image includes how own body, taking into account their constituent parts, as well as the feelings related the those characteristics. The entrance in academica life provokes alterations in the feeding behavior, and the exposition to the new social environment they can bring as consequence an increase in dissatisfaction. Objective: To investigate the satisfaction with the body image and eating behavior of academics at a university center. Methods: For data collection, the following instruments were used. The evaluation (...)
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    Desempenho cognitivo de crianças e jovens com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade.Glaucia Gabriela Bagattini de Souza, Adriana Nobre de Paula Simão, Sylvia Maria Ciasca & Ricardo Franco de Lima - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:69-78.
    O presente artigo teve como objetivo comparar os resultados do desempenho cognitivo de crianças e jovens diagnosticados com os diferentes subtipos do Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) na Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças (WISC-III). Foram analisados dados dos regis..
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  28. Identidades Nerd/Geek na web: um estudo sobre pedagogias culturais e culturas juvenis // Nerd/Geek Identities on the web: a study on cultural pedagogies and youth culture.Angela Dillmann Nunes Bicca, Ana Paula de Araújo Cunha, Márcia Helena Sauaia Guimarães Rostas & Max de Lima Jahnke - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (1):87-104.
    Neste texto analisamos blogs da Internet como espaços educativos nos quais se produzem/constroem as identidades juvenis de indivíduos que buscam se inserir no grupo cultural conhecido como nerd/geek. Inseridos nos Estudos Culturais, na sua vertente pós-moderna e pós-estruturalista, valemo-nos da noção de Representação Cultural para analisar como as identidades são constituídas com a escrita/leitura de blogs disponibilizados na web. Destacamos que a forma como se dá o agrupamento dos jovens que escrevem/leem os blogs é efêmera e espontânea, baseada no prazer (...)
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    Desarrollo socioemocional con actividades de equinoterapia. Análisis de experiencias de niños(as) con habilidades diferentes.Clotilde Paula Venegas-Mejía, Giulianno Mitchel Arguedas Pérez, Yanet Alvarez Niño de Guzmán & Djamila Gallegos-Espinoza - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):389-399.
    El objetivo del estudio se orientó a analizar el desarrollo socioemocional de niños(as) con habilidades diferentes que participaron en actividades de equinoterapia en la ciudad de Lima. La muestra del estudio, realizado con diseño fenomenológico, estuvo constituida por los padres o madres de familia que participaron en la implementación de actividades de equinoterapia y ofrecieron información de sus hijos(as) con autismo, síndrome de Down o trastorno por déficit de atención con y sin hiperactividad. El recojo de datos se utilizó (...)
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    Las muestras en investigaciones educativas. Un estudio de pertinencia y suficiencia en tesis de posgrado.José Theódulo Esquivel-Grados, Clotilde Paula Venegas-Mejía, Migdonio Nicolás Esquivel- Grados & Manuel Tomás Gonzales-Benites - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):355-369.
    Analizar la suficiencia y pertinencia de las muestras en tesis de maestría es el objetivo del artículo, resultado de un estudio descriptivo con enfoque documental, cuya población fueron tesis de maestría en acreditación de la calidad educativa de cuatro Universidades de Lima, 2020-2022. Se recurrió a la observación para el recojo de datos, encontrándose como resultados que en las tesis realizadas mayormente con enfoque cuantitativo no es frecuente observar muestras adecuadas ni representativas, al no ofrecer una justificación lógica ni (...)
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    Paula Da Cunha Corrêa. Um Bestiário Arcaico. Fábulas e imagens de animais na poesía de Arquíloco, Editora Unicamp. 2010, 526 pp. [REVIEW]Graciela Cristina Zecchin de Fasano - 2011 - Synthesis (la Plata) 18:159-167.
    Este trabajo indaga las resemantizaciones del mito de Venus en tres poetas latinoamericanos: Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío y José Lezama Lima teniendo en cuenta la intertextualidad y las poéticas correspondientes. This paper analyses the Venus myth appropiation into the poetry of Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío and José Lezama Lima considering their poetry and intertextuality.
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  32. Why sufficiency is not enough.Paula Casal - 2007 - Ethics 117 (2):296-326.
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    Strength and Stability.Paula Teijeiro - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 41 (2):337-349.
    In this paper, I present two presumed alternative definitions of metavalidity for metainferences: Local and Global. I defend the latter, first, by arguing that it is not too weak with respect to metainference-cases, and that local metavalidity is in fact too strong with respect to types. Second, I show that although regarding metainference-schemas Local metavalidity is always stable, Global metavalidity is also stable when the language satisfies reasonable expressibility criteria.
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    Impairments of Social Motor Synchrony Evident in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Paula Fitzpatrick, Jean A. Frazier, David M. Cochran, Teresa Mitchell, Caitlin Coleman & R. C. Schmidt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:197578.
    Social interactions typically involve movements of the body that become synchronized over time and both intentional and spontaneous interactional synchrony have been found to be an essential part of successful human interaction. However, our understanding of the importance of temporal dimensions of social motor synchrony in social dysfunction is limited. Here, we used a pendulum coordination paradigm to assess dynamic, process-oriented measures of social motor synchrony in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our data indicate that adolescents with (...)
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    Self-Esteem and Happiness as Predictors of School Teachers’ Health: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.Paula Benevene, Maya M. Ittan & Michela Cortini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  36. Forgiveness and Punishment in Kant's Moral System.Paula Satne - 2018 - In Larry Krasnoff, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Paula Satne (eds.), Kant's Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. pp. 201-219.
    Forgiveness as a positive response to wrongdoing is a widespread phenomenon that plays a role in the moral lives of most persons. Surprisingly, Kant has very little to say on the matter. Although Kant dedicates considerable space to discussing punishment, wrongdoing and grace, he addresses the issues of human forgiveness directly only in some short passages in the Lectures on Ethics and in one passage of the Metaphysics of Morals. As noted by Sussman, the TL passage, however, betrays some ambivalence. (...)
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    A mediação implícita e explícita da informação e a sua relação antropológica sob um viés fenomenológico.Wallace Bertoli Moreira, Meri Nádia Marques Gerlin & Gleice Pereira - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7374.
    Este artigo objetiva compreender a essência antropológica dos conceitos de mediação implícita e explícita, principalmente, com base nas pesquisas de Oswaldo Francisco Almeida Júnior sob um viés fenomenológico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica e bibliográfica de caráter exploratório-descritivo, com uma abordagem qualitativa e procedimento metodológico baseado na construção do conhecimento científico produzido por Telma Cristiane Sasso de Lima e Regina Célia Tamaso Mioto que consubstanciam três fases de análise da pesquisa: investigação das soluções, análise explicativa e síntese integradora, (...)
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    On not taking men as they are: reflections on moral bioenhancement.Paula Casal - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (4):340-342.
  39. Sufficiency, Nature and the Future.Paula Casal - 2024 - Political Philosophy 1 (1):72–104.
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    The Aims of Sex Education: Demoting Autonomy and Promoting Mutuality.Paula McAvoy - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (5):483-496.
    In this essay, Paula McAvoy critiques a commonly held view that teaching young people to be good choice makers should be a central aim of sex education. Specifically, she argues against David Archard's recommendation that sex educators ought to focus on the development of autonomy and teaching young people that “choice should be accorded the central role in the legitimation of sexual conduct.” Instead, McAvoy argues that under conditions of gender inequality this view advantages boys and disadvantages girls. Juxtaposing (...)
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    Mill, Rawls and Cohen on Incentives and Occupational Freedom.Paula Casal - 2017 - Utilitas 29 (4):375-397.
    G. A. Cohen's critique of Rawls's defence of economic incentives echoes some of J. S. Mill's insights on the subject. Some of Cohen's arguments, however, clash not only with those of Rawls but also with each other as well as with Mill's. A similar charge, however, may be made against Rawls. This article has conciliatory ambitions. It suggests reconciling each author with himself, as well as with each other, by focusing onthe worthof liberty. It stresses the importance of non-pecuniary occupational (...)
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    O “sentido da vida” em Schopenhauer e Nietzsche.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2024 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (1):47-64.
    Este é o primeiro de dois artigos que visam discutir o problema do sentido da vida na filosofia alemã do XIX, a fim de abrir diálogo com importantes discussões da filosofia contemporânea. Para tanto, localiza-se, neste artigo, o problema histórico-filosoficamente (1); em seguida, investiga-se em que medida o mesmo está intimamente relacionado, nos pensamentos de Schopenhauer (2) e Nietzsche (3), aos temas do pessimismo e do niilismo filosóficos; por fim, indica-se conclusivamente a importância de ambos os autores no estabelecimento do (...)
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  43. The Biologically Vulnerable Brain – Emerging Neuroimaging Research on the Roles of Early-Life Trauma, Genetics, and Epigenetics in Functional Neurological Disorder.Paula Muhr - 2024 - In Silvia Bonacchi (ed.), Vulnerability: Real, Imagined, and Displayed Fragility in Language and Society. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress. pp. 111–128.
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    Blood flow‐induced angiocrine signals promote organ growth and regeneration.Paula Follert, Linda Große-Segerath & Eckhard Lammert - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400207.
    Recently, we identified myeloid‐derived growth factor (MYDGF) as a blood flow‐induced angiocrine signal that promotes human and mouse hepatocyte proliferation and survival. Here, we review literature reporting changes in blood flow after partial organ resection in the liver, lung, and kidney, and we describe the angiocrine signals released by endothelial cells (ECs) upon blood flow alterations in these organs. While hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and MYDGF are important angiocrine signals for liver regeneration, by now, angiocrine signals have also been reported (...)
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    Should Touch Screen Tablets Be Used to Improve Educational Outcomes in Primary School Children in Developing Countries?Paula J. Hubber, Laura A. Outhwaite, Antonie Chigeda, Simon McGrath, Jeremy Hodgen & Nicola J. Pitchford - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  46. Vagueness and Practical Interests.Paula Sweeney & Elia Zardini - 2011 - In Paul Égré & Nathan Klinedinst (eds.), Vagueness and language use. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this paper we focus mainly on a kind of contextualism theory of vagueness according to which the context dependence has its source in the variation of our practical interests. We largely focus on Fara's version of the theory but our observations work at different levels of generality, some relevant only to the specifics of Fara's theory others relevant to all contextualist theories of a certain type.
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  47. Situated practices of testimony. A rhetorical approach.Paula Olmos - 2008 - Theoria 23 (1):57-68.
    Contrary to most current epistemologists who concentrate on core cases of rather ‘spontaneous’ trust and belief in the face of assertions, Classical rhetoricians addressed the study of ‘testimony’ as an two-acts phenomenon: that of the ‘disclosure’ of information and that of the ‘appeal’ to its authority in subsequent discursive practices. Moreover, they primarily focused on this second phase as they assumed that it was such argumentative setting that finally gave ‘testimonial’ relevance to the first act. According to this ‘rhetorical’ model, (...)
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  48. Magnitude and Number Sensitivity of the Approximate Number System in Conceptual Spaces.Paula Quinon & Aleksander Gemel - 2019 - In Peter Gärdenfors, Antti Hautamäki, Frank Zenker & Mauri Kaipainen (eds.), Conceptual Spaces: Elaborations and Applications. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Effect of Teachers’ Happiness on Teachers’ Health. The Mediating Role of Happiness at Work.Paula Benevene, Simona De Stasio, Caterina Fiorilli, Ilaria Buonomo, Benedetta Ragni, Juan José Maldonado Briegas & Daniela Barni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The suppressive power of positive thinking: Aiding suppression-induced forgetting in repressive coping.Paula Hertel & Leda McDaniel - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (7):1239-1249.
    Participants scoring high and low on a measure of repressive coping style (Mendolia, 2002) first learned a series of related word pairs (cue–target). Half of the cues were homographs. In the subsequent think/no-think phase (Anderson & Green, 2001), they responded with targets on some trials and suppressed thoughts of targets on others. Suppressed targets were always emotionally negative, as were targets associated with baseline cues reserved for the final test. Some participants were provided with emotionally benign or positive substitutes to (...)
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